School Hours 9:00am to 3:00pm

School Starts: 9:00am
First Break: 11:05am - 11:30 am
Second Break: 12:50pm - 1:40 pm
School Finishes: 3:00pm
Students should arrive at school after 8:35am. There is no teacher supervision before this time. We have Victory OOSH operating before and after school from our school hall.
Late arrival/Early Leaving
School hours are from 9:00am to 3.00 pm. If children arrive later than 9:00am, parents are requested to accompany them to the office and complete a late arrival note. This note is then taken to the class teacher.
Similarly, if children leave early, parents are requested to go firstly to the office and collect an early leaving note. This note is then taken to the class teacher when children are collected from the classroom. We thank you for your ongoing support of this very important procedure as we have strict regulations governing the monitoring of student attendance.