Dudley Public School

Nurturing Individual Potential

Telephone02 4944 7203



Parents & Citizens (P&C) Association

The P&C of Dudley Public School supports the school in a variety of ways including fund raising, events, canteen services and school uniform provision. Their major priorities are the students, their education, and the environment in which they can learn. The P&C also have a strong commitment to community connections.

The P&C Executive are elected annualy to lead and guide the community in tehir support of the school. The executive team communicate regularly with the principal on school matters and lead the community together in strengthening the support that the P&C offers the school. There are also a large team of volunteers who take on other roles taht support the P&C inititives throughout the year.

The success of the P&C relies on community support and assistance. If you would like to get involved in the P&C please contact the P&C via email on dudleypandc@gmail.com or via the Facebook page.

P&C Meetings

The P&C meets twice each term. Monday nights at 7pm in Week 3 & 7 of each term. Meetings are open to Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Citizens of Dudley Public School. All parents are encouraged to come along and have a say. Parents new to Dudley Public School are especially invited to P & C meetings and functions as a way of meeting other parents and getting involved with the school in the early stages of their child's enrolment.

Meetings usually run for about 60-90 minutes and are held in a friendly and valued environment which is dedicated to raising funds for much needed resources and enhancing community connections. An agenda is followed where a range of topics is tabled and discussed in an open and respectful forum. Everyone is welcome.

P&C Responsibilities

Fund Raising/Events

Throughout the year the P&C host/support fund raising events with the school. These include, stalls, raffles, BBQ’s, meal deals, gala days etc. During the year the P&C will reach out to the school community for volunteers and supporters to offer time and assistance to ensure these evenst run smoothly and achive their fundraising goals.

All money raised from these events, helps fund extra activities, equipment and supports our students and the school.

P&C Contact details: dudleypandc@gmail.com


School Uniform Shop

Please visit the School Uniforms page for further details.


School Canteen

Pleasee visit the Canteen page for further details

Why should I join the P&C?

Joining the P&C is a great way to get involved with the school community and meet other parents and carers in a relaxed, inclusive environment. We welcome people of all interests, skills, and availability, and you can become a member at any point in the year.

Formally, P&C members can vote on matters raised and decisions taken at P&C meetings. Members can also become part of the executive committee. Members also receive a copy of meeting minutes regardless of meeting attendance. Membership costs $2 per year.

To be able to continue the work that we do, we need support from parents and carers. We simply couldn't do it without you! If you are interested in becoming a member but unsure about committing your time, you can rest assured that there will never be any obligation to give more time than you are comfortable with.

Can I become involved if I am not a member?

We warmly welcome all parents and carers to share their time and skills with us, if possible, whether members or not. We are appreciative of volunteer time, whether ad-hoc, one-off, or on a regular basis. Volunteers do not have to be P&C members to support our projects and donate time. Here are some examples of ways to get involved:

  • Do a shift in the school canteen
  • Support our events and fundraising initiatives
  • Participate in gardens and working bee days
  • Manage the uniform shop
  • Have a voice in our activities by attending meetings